all humans welcome

We consider diversity as a great enrichment. The more diverse a company is, the more innovative, creative, tolerant, productive, and successful it is. That’s why we always point out that ALL people are welcome, valued, and seen in our company.

However, the topic of diversity does not play a role in our application or our selection process. We have no set quotas that we have to achieve. We don’t care what gender, age, religion, origin, or sexual orientation someone has. It is important to us that applicants who want to work at hhff® share our values, are passionate about their job, and enthusiastic about the fashion industry. We are firmly convinced that diversity arises automatically as a result.

Our responsibility

We are aware of our responsibility for people, animals, and nature and are ready to face this responsibility. That is why we are actively committed to fair, equal, and diverse cooperation and are committed to promoting young talent and protecting the environment.

All topics represent an ongoing process in which we want to constantly improve. We have already made progress in the following areas:

Train instead of car

By covering 100% of the cost of a public transport ticket, we promote local public transport and encourage people to avoid unnecessary car journeys.

Electric instead of diesel

Our company cars are exclusively electric vehicles.

Organic instead of conventional

90% of the food we buy comes from organic farming.

Filter instead of plastic

Our employees are supplied with mineral water via filtered tap water.

Digital instead of highway

We are reducing our travel activities by using video calls.

Forward instead of backwards

As a certified training company (IHK), we invest in the future of apprentices and support them with a successful start to their professional life.

Diversity instead of uniformity

We actively live our “All Humans Welcome” statement every day and contribute to fairer coexistence.

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